GDI Nod Allies Soviet

*Hover over the icons on the right to view their descriptions.

Construction Yard
The Construction Yard is the foundation of a base and allows the construction of other buildings. You must protect this structure! Without it, you cannot build any new structures. The Construction Yard is fairly strong, but as with almost all structures, it is vulnerable to Engineers. Try surrounding your Construction Yard with walls to keep out unwanted guests.

Chain Link Fence
Used to deter the enemy from advancing. Chain Link Fences provide limited cover and may slow units down. While only explosive weapons such as grenades, missiles, and shells can damage a Chain Link Barrier, heavy vehicles can simply run over them.
Concrete Wall
Concrete walls are an effective barrier. They are much harder to destroy than other walls and will take the enemy much longer to blast through. Only explosive weapons such as grenades, missiles, and shells can damage Concrete Barriers.
This structure prevents enemy units and Tiberium growth from entering a base. The gate automatically opens to allow friendly units to pass but will not open for enemy units.
Power Plant
The standard Power Plant. Power output is directly related to the Power Plant's condition, so protect them during battles. If they get damaged, you must repair them quickly or else some of your base defenses may cease to function. Your production speed can also be severely lowered if you have too little power.


Advanced Power Plant
This structure provides twice as much power as the standard power plant. If they get damaged, you must repair them quickly or else some of your base defenses may cease to function. Your production speed can also be severely lowered if you have too little power. The Allies and Soviets use older technology than GDI and Nod, because of which their advanced power plants occupy more space.
This structure is a field training center for all available infantry units. You need a Barracks to be able to train infantry.
This processes tiberium and ore into its component elements. Building the refinery immediately deploys a Harvester and each Refinery can handle an infinite number of Harvesters. Each refinery can store a limited amount of processed resources and once they're at maximum capacity you'll require more refineries or silos to be able to gain more credits. When destroyed or captured, all credits the refinery was storing will be forever lost, so defend it well.


Guard Tower
Armed with a high-velocity machine gun, this structure provides manned defense against enemy ground attack. The Guard Tower is useful against infantry and other light units, and since it doesn't require any power, it will remain functional when your base loses power. It can also detect adjacent enemy Stealth units.

Role: base defense
Strong vs: infantry
Weak vs: tanks, artillery
Building the Helipad allows the use of the ORCA/Longbow/Apache attack aircraft and it's also the rearming station for these aircraft. All aircraft can be rearmed on any Helipad you own.


The silo stores a limited amount of credits of processed resources. You'll have to build more of these when all refineries and silos you own are at maximum capacity, or you'll stop gaining any more credits when a harvester unloads at the refinery. If destroyed or captured, the amount of credits stored in them is deducted from your account.
Weapons Factory / Airfield / War Factory
This structure is responsible for the building of all vehicles. It is well armored, but is also a favorite target for the enemy. If your War Factory is captured by an enemy Engineer, not only do you lose the ability to build vehicles, but the enemy is able to build your vehicles in addition to his own. Building multiple War Factories decreases the amount of time required to create a vehicle.
Communications Center / Radar Dome
Allows the use of the radar screen to glance over the entire battlefield as long as there is sufficient power. Building a Communications Center also gives a commander access to second-tier units and structures.



Naval Yard / Submarine Pen
The Naval Yard is available on maps with a lot of water and is responsible for producing naval units. Building multiple Naval Yards decreases the amount of time required to create a ship. In addition, the ship building speed is linked together with the vehicle building speed, meaning that building additional Naval Yards also makes vehicles faster to build from your War Factory and vice-versa.


Repair Facility / Service Depot
The repair facility/service depot allows you to repair or sell any damaged vehicles or aircraft that are positioned on it. All repairs are deducted from your credits and repairs will immediately halt if you run out of credits while repairs are in progress.


Advanced Guard Tower
Provides strong fortification against vehicles and air units. The Advanced Guard Tower fires missiles at considerable range, but it requires power. While the AGT does damage infantry, it's not great at it and thus it's wise to back up the AGT with another defense like the Guard Tower.

Role: base defense
Strong vs: vehicles, aircraft
Weak vs: infantry (when massed)
Technology Center / Research Facility
Required to access third-tier units and buildings.
Deployed Sensor Array
When deployed, the MSA detects units and structures in unexplored areas (which are then revealed on your minimap), and reveals cloaked and subterranean units on your tactical view. The range of the MSA is shown by a large green circle when selected.

Role: support, non-combat


A-10 Runway
The runway allows construction of A-10 attack bombers. Aircraft must return to runway to reload their weapons. These structures contain some of the more advanced GDI's aerospace technologies, and the more cunning Soviet naval commanders who captured the runways had been rumored to operate USSR's own aircraft carriers, not seen under other circumstances.

Build Limit: 3



Ion Cannon Up-Link
Attaches directly to the Communications Center and upgrades it to an Advanced Communication Center, giving access to the Ion Cannon.




Minigunner / Rifle Infantry
Minigunners/Rifle Infantry are the basic unit of all factions. They are very cheap to produce, but have very little longevity. In masses they can take down any target, but fall quickly to anti-infantry fire. Just remember that large tanks can easily crush your infantry and any flame-based or explosive weapons can quickly reduce entire squads to ash.

Role: all-purpose
Strong vs: infantry, light vehicles, buildings (when massed)
Weak vs: tanks, aircraft
Though more damaging and faster than Minigunners, grenadiers have less health and explode when killed; this harms all units nearby, including friendlies. They are most effective when used in small groups or combined with other infantry.

Role: anti-infantry, anti-structure
Strong vs: infantry, buildings
Weak vs: light vehicles
Bazooka / Rocket Soldier
Rocket soldiers are slower than other infantry, but are the only ones capable of effectively fighting vehicles and aircraft. They also have extra range, making them decent at fighting most basic defenses as well. Most effective as a support unit in diverse groups.

Role: anti-tank, anti-air
Strong vs: vehicles, aircraft, buildings
Weak vs: infantry
Engineers do not have any combat capability, but are still invaluable units. When ordered to enter an enemy structure, they can instantly take control of it (or first inflict severe damage before taking control of it, depending on the "multi engineer" multiplayer option). They also fill a defensive role, as they can instantly repair any friendly structure to full strength. The unit is lost when performing either action.

Role: building acquisition, repairing buildings and low bridges
Strong vs: buildings
Weak vs: everything




Grenade Launcher
These special forces units are lightly armored, but they are fast and equipped with grenade launchers that deal high damage against all kinds of targets. This makes them effective in small groups either by themselves or as additional firepower for tank groups. Their combination of speed and damage also allows them to kite slower enemies when managed well.

Role: support, all-purpose
Strong vs: infantry, light vehicles, buildings
Weak vs: artillery, massed anti-personnel units
Elite infiltration unit. Can place C4 inside enemy buildings to instantly reduce them to rubble moments later. His main armament is a sniper rifle firing hollow point bullets, which will one-shot almost any infantry, but is useless against armored targets.

Role: anti-infantry, anti-structure
Strong vs: infantry, buildings
Weak vs: vehicles
Build Limit: 1




An armored Jeep with a heavy machinegun. This is the fastest units in GDI's arsenal, and is essential for reconnaissance and cutting down enemy infantry. This is the most sturdy of the typical machinegun-armed early recon units, only surpassed by the Soviet Gatling Tank.

Role: scout, anti-infantry
Strong vs: infantry, light vehicles
Weak vs: tanks, base defenses
Medium Tank
The tank "standard". From its single barrel, the GDI Medium Tank fires armor-piercing shells. It is more powerful than light tank varieties and matches the Nod light tank in speed. This is one of the best all-around vehicles in the game, excelling at nothing, yet effective against both vehicles and structures, but can be countered by groups of rocket infantry or aerial units.

Role: anti-vehicle
Strong vs: vehicles, buildings
Weak vs: rocket infantry
This armor-plated vehicle seeks out and scoops up raw tiberium/ore, then transports it to refineries for processing to credits. It is slow, has no weapons, and needs to be protected. Its good points are that it can take a beating before being destroyed, it is capable of self-healing, and it can crush enemy infantry.

Role: gathering resources




Armored Personnel Carrier
The standard Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) transports and protects up to five infantry units heading to and from battle locations. Its heavy armor, fast speed, and machine gun make it an ideal scouting unit.

Role: transportation, scouting
Strong vs: infantry, light vehicles
Weak vs: tanks, base defenses
Passengers: 5




Rocket Launcher
Mobile devastation. This fire-support vehicle fires 227mm rockets highly effective against soft targets, including aerial threats. While the Rocket Launcher is mobile and can strike the slower kind of enemy tanks and move away as they try to catch up, it requires constant attention and long time to execute, and is vulnerable to the faster kind of vehicles due to its thin armor. As such, it's most often found in the second line behind GDI's tanks to cover each other's weaknesses. Note that while having more range than typical units, it's still not a true artillery vehicle and is out-ranged by those and is only moderately effective against naval enemies.

Role: support, anti-infantry, anti-air
Strong vs: infantry, light vehicles, buildings, aircraft
Weak vs: tanks, light vehicles (when close)
Mobile Sensor Array
When deployed, the MSA detects units and structures in unexplored areas (which are then revealed on your minimap), and reveals cloaked and subterranean units on your tactical view. The range of the MSA is shown by a large green circle when selected.

Role: support, non-combat
Mobile Construction Vehicle
The Mobile Construction Vehicle lets you search for suitable base sites. Once one is found, convert the MCV into a full-service Construction Yard by deploying it and use it to build other structures. Since this vehicle is slow, unarmed, and expensive, you will want to keep it well guarded with other units.

Role: support, non-combat




Mammoth Tank
Armed with dual cannons and Mammoth Tusk missiles, this giant is a slow, but versatile and very powerful attack unit, second only to the Soviet counterpart and specific prototypes. It can dish it out against all targets, especially vehicles and structures, as well as take it thanks to its thick armor. Once severely damaged, the crew will slowly repair the vehicle from inside back to 50% of its durability. However, due to its slowness it's rather incapable of retreating or pursuing enemies and can be freely shot at by artillery while on the move. Its missiles are only moderately effective against infantry, so it is vulnerable to groups of rocket infantry.

Role: general-purpose
Strong vs: tanks, structures, aircraft, infantry
Weak vs: mobile artillery, infantry (when grouped)
Disc Launcher
GDI's tool for breaking an entrenched enemy from a safe distance. It uses magnetic rails to propel a large discus-bomb which (unlike other artillery) will detonate on the first enemy it contacts. While its armament is very powerful and effective against practically any ground target, it's expensive, ponderous, and has exceptionally lackluster armor even for an artillery vehicle. This means that it needs strong escort and should avoid duels with enemy artillery, since the more hard-hitting ones can destroy it in one shot. Like all artillery vehicles, Disc Launcher is highly effective against enemy vessels and can out-range all but the heaviest ones.

Role: support, artillery, anti-ship
Strong vs: infantry, tanks, buildings, ships
Weak vs: light vehicles, artillery, aircraft
X-O Power Suit
This is the most powerful individual unit in GDI's arsenal. It uses a powerful, experimental rail gun to obliterate vehicles and buildings, then switches to a Gatling cannon to mop up infantry. However, it's not indestructible. Artillery and aircraft are able to easily destroy it, and massed enemy units will eventually wear it down. The XO is best used in combination with other GDI units, but be careful not to damage your own units with it; the powerful railgun deals damage to not only its primary target, but also to all objects between the XO and its primary target. This effect makes the XO especially useful for destroying multiple structures at once, and on large enemy unit groups it is also possible to damage multiple targets with each shot.

Role: all-purpose
Strong vs: all land targets
Build Limit: 1




Hovercraft Transport
These amphibious vehicles are deployed from naval yards and used for transporting troops and war-gear to other islands in water-dominated areas. They're quite mobile in the water, but ponderous on land. GDI's transport, like most other transports, is unarmed, and has overall balanced parameters.

Role: transportation, non-combat
Passengers: 5
A light patrol craft armed with a rocket pod able to hit both ground and air targets. Its primary purposes are scouting and anti-air support for GDI's larger vessels, but groups of them can also overwhelm larger warships.

Role: scout, anti-air
Strong vs: aircraft
Weak vs: land artillery, ships
Mobile Repair Ship
Mobile repair ships can be used to repair friendly ships and can be deployed to detect submerged Submarines as well as cloaked Laser Corvettes. It costs nothing to repair the units, but the MRS is quite expensive by itself. It cannot directly attack enemy units, and as such must be guarded at all times.

Role: support, non-combat




Missile Cruiser
The Missile Cruiser is primary GDI warship, which fires missiles from bow and aft; the bow missiles are fired directly towards the target and hit reliably, while the aft missiles fly towards their target in a high-arc and can miss moving ships. This vessel is particularly effective in large battles where its ability to shower an entire area in missiles is handy against groups of enemies, but unlike most other main battle warships it doesn't have centrally-mounted turret and has to stop and face its target directly to fire.

Role: anti-ship
Strong vs: ships, buildings
Weak vs: land artillery, aircraft




Aircraft Carrier
Large and slow, but a feared sight by commanders. Aircraft carriers are dual-purpose vehicles - in mobile mode they launch small drones that can reach targets far away, beyond range of any land-based artillery guns to drop napalm on enemy targets, and cannot be shot down by conventional means. In deployed mode, they act as sea-based runways and helipads, able to produce and reload aircraft right at the front-line. While useful as support, they are very vulnerable to aircraft and ships getting close, and need escorts at all times.

Role: support, artillery, forward airbase
Strong vs: buildings
Weak vs: ships, aircraft




This vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) craft carries six TOW rockets. ORCAs excel in hit-and-run attacks. They can fly in, fire their payload, and get out before the enemy knows what hit them. They re-arm very quickly at helipads, and can attack again in a matter of seconds. Their rockets are specialized at penetrating armor, so they are best used to harass enemy vehicles and ships.

Role: anti-armor, anti-ship
Strong vs: vehicles, buildings, ships
Weak vs: anti-aircraft units and defenses, infantry
Chinooks give extreme mobility to both infantry and vehicles. They are capable of carrying 1-5 infantry or a single vehicle of any kind quickly across vast distances. They are very vulnerable to AA defenses, so be careful to maneuver around them. Use them to transport MCVs to other islands on naval maps.

Role: transport
Weak vs: anti-air units




A-10 Warthog
Pride of GDI, A-10s are invaluable asset thanks to their speed and incredible damage to units and structures without proper protection. Even war factories and construction yards will be burnt to ashes if three of those attack bombers are allowed to drop the entirety of their payloads. While their speed allows them to outrun some of the missile-based AA, they are still vulnerable to being shot down (especially by Allied autocannons) and due to their high cost they shouldn't be used recklessly.

Role: carpet bombing, general-purpose
Strong vs: land and sea, excels against infantry, structures and groups of units
Weak vs: anti-air units and defenses (when grouped)
Build Limit: 3




Ion Cannon
A satellite ionizes the particles in the air and then releases a powerful burst onto its target. Although it has a small blast radius, the Ion Cannon hits instantly, allowing it to also take out moving targets.

Role: super weapon
Strong vs: everything








Bittah Commander: webpage design, coding, fact-checking, editing and adding to Rhob's descriptions.
Rampastring: fact-checking, editing and adding to Rhob's descriptions.
Rhob: wrote the original draft for the descriptions.
Tiberius: Updated the descriptions on December 18, 2020.
Polish'dPole: Updated the descriptions on August 20, 2021.